Low-power IoT, RF PA, switches, duplexers, filters, power chips, automotive fast charging chips, RF mixed-signal processors and third-generation gallium nitride semiconductor chips, etc.
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Zhongke (Shenzhen) Wireless Semiconductor Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in low-power IoT, RF PA, switches, duplexers, filters, power chips, Vehicle fast charging chip, RF mixed signal processor and third-generation gallium nitride semiconductor chip, design + packaging, testing and sales are integrated.
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32 line scan 48 channel high-performance row and column integration
Package: BGA-100, 8 x 8 x 1.1mm
Working voltage: 3.3V~5.5V
8mm × 8mm × 0.85mm
48 channel high-precision constant current source output
1-4 sweep high current
5mm × 5mm × 0.4mm
32 high-precision constant current source outputs
LEDDisplay high refresh rate
PWMLED display driver
1-64 scan 16 common positive outputs